Revitalise Farm Operations
A New Perspective
Managers often recognise the need for support when they’re already in a reactive culture. Our structured approach brings stability and drives proactive improvements.
A reactive culture may be effective with a small and uncomplicated farming organisation, but once complexity and growth enters the business, this way of working can quickly become problematic.
Staff-burnout and loss is a frequent consequence and this applies to owners and employees alike.
Our structured, organised approach helps establish stability and drives performance improvements for long-term operational success.
At Growing Fresh Solutions, we enter the farming business as a stable entity to establish or improve operating and planning routines, performance KPIs, performance recognition, staff training and support.
Farms can be complex entities. Every individual aspect of your strategy needs to work effectively if the whole farm is to work well. When all the parts work seamlessly, we say the business is ‘in flow’.
There’s little advantage to having excellent yield if your staffing strategy doesn’t include enough staff or equipment to harvest it.
Staff love to be part of a business and team that’s 'in flow’ and a healthy evidence-based understanding of the key profit drivers ensures alignment with business expectations.
We also help to improve data capture routines, operating stability, strategic planning and the long term performance strategies.
Ultimately, the business gets a productive yet enjoyable working environment enabled by continuous improvement and success.
We will also help maintain this environment.
"This is a legacy, not just in product, but also in the team you leave behind which you should be very proud of".
— Keelings Board of Directors 2022